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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Potalia amara
The leaves are used as an antivenin to reduce the swelling and internal bleeding caused by the bites of snakes in the pit-viper (rattlesnake family). Leaves are dried over a fire, crushed and strained. The resulting powder is mixed with cold water and drunk by the patient.
Las hojas son usadas como un antiveneno para las picaduras de culebras. Se muele las hojas secas en la mano hasta polvear. A la hora que se produce la picadura se mescla con agua fría y se toma.
Machakwi kanijpi kurarina pangara sumajta chakichisha makiwa kakusha ñutuyachina. Chi washa chiri yakuwa nuyuchina ungurishka runara upichingaj.

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