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Delicia Dagua, "Tsumi Warmi Narrative and Song."

From interviews with Tod D. Swanson

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Tod D. Swanson, “Delicia Dagua, 'Tsumi warmi Narrative and Song.’” Youtube video. 7:40. September 16, 2016.


English Translation

When I was still a child I went around fishing with a hook and caught a catfish. I caught a chunda shimi and then I caught a tanla and a white catfish. Then after I had caught 4, I threw the line out again it took the hook pulling hard like a person. When it pulled I let go of the pole (and it was pulled into the water). Then when I entered (the water) to get the hook out I got a bad feeling in my heart and looked toward the river. When I looked toward the river that woman was there. That Tsumi (anaconda woman) standing with the water up to (her waist). She was a woman with (long) hair but cut across here (with bangs in front) like a native woman. She looked like a human woman. So then I got scared. It was an anaconda? (Yes.) An anaconda. So I got scared. I left my hook and line there and ran toward the hill. I didn’t fall in the water. No. I didn’t fall. How old were you? I was about eleven then. Eleven years old. Since I was still a child I ran when I saw her. I ran scared and when I got to my house I stayed there. I didn't (even) go get my fish that I had caught. So since I had come just like that without going to get my fish, when my mother came back, when they came from the garden I told her, "I did catch some fish Mamita but I left them (over there)." "I didn't bring them because I was afraid. There was a woman standing in the river. I saw a woman in the river and so I got scared and didn't bring them." "Where did you see that?" my mother asked. You go around by yourself like you didn't have a Dad. Since your Dad doesn't bother to fish you go around fishing in the deep parts of the river. You didn't see if it was a boa or Tsumi?" she asked. Did that woman look like an adult? Or like a young woman? She was an adult woman. She appeared like that in the middle of the river with half her body rising above the water (like above this table). Bare breasted? (Yes) bare. This part of her body bare. Her body was naked but she appeared like a woman like a person, that woman. Imasna wata shina. How old did she look? Who knows how old that anaconda was. I don't know that. But was she young or old? She was young. Young but she looked like an adult. Like about thirty years old. She must have been (about that old) because her face appeared like an adult woman there in the middle of the river. I saw from close by what she looked like there in the middle of the river. That river was like this one. The water went up against the cliffs just like this one. Her hair was like this. It was cut here (across like bangs) but when she came out of the water her hair was (long) like this. Her hair was wet like this but she did not have the thickness of a human woman. I got scared and ran because there was no one there in Morete Cocha. They call the place where I saw her "Morete." And that night as I slept she came to me in a dream singing. Pay muskuchira cantasha, chasna cantasha ñuka kanda apangaraurani nira. And in the song she sang, "I am going to take you." "As I was about to take you, you caught on and ran scared," she said. "Since you ran away I was left sad," she told me. (She was going to take you) for her son? Since she had a son the Tsumi woman wanted to do that. That is how she sang in my dream. She sang her complete song. Did she sing? (Yes.) She sang. In your dream? She sang in my dream. That woman was like a human woman but she said “I am Tsumi (anaconda) woman." I am the woman from the East who comes upriver searching for the deep pools. From the mouth of the Marañon I am the woman who comes from the East. I come resting in the deep pools. It is I. I may not be a human woman I go following and following them I am not a human woman It is I. I am the Tsumi (anaconda) woman //I am the woman who lies at the base of the deep pools// On the high cliffs I am the woman who lies (sunning) on the high cliffs (of the river bank). When noon comes I am the woman who lies there. I am the woman who comes traveling upriver from the mouth of the Marañon. I am not a woman from around here. I am not a human woman. And I, and I... I am an anaconda woman Yes, I am. Yes, and who can scare me? Since they are (all) afraid of deep pools. I am just the woman who wants to go taking the child that she desires. It is just this that I am planning. The child that they take such good care of That they have, that they have in their care. Just one child ///a girl child is all I want// I have only one son, a good boy. My son is handsome and single. I will take the girl that I choose to give to him. I will give her to him when she grows I will give her to him when she grows up ​I would leave her If she were not so good-hearted. (In that case) I would not take that child. Yes, that child is going to die. It is just the girl whom I am thinking of who is going to die. That is the song I have sung for you to hear.

Kichwa Translation

Chara wawa asha ñuka anzilusha puriusha aysausha, chi chasna aysashkani mutata. Aysashkani chunda shimita chimanda aysashkani shu tanla, chimanda ruyak mutawata. Aysashkay, chuskuta aysashka washay, y chi anzhiluta kuti shitashkayga ña pay runa shina aysasha apak ara. Chi apakpi, chasna apasha pay kaspi lijachipiga ñukaga chita, chita... Ña yaykusha ñuka shunguy chi anzilu kiruwata lluspichisha nisha raushkay ñuka malda sintirisha rikuk arani chaupima. Chaupi kuchama rikukpi chi, chi warmi ashkanga chi, chi tsumi warmi, kaiwan pakta pay shayan ña. Kasna ña warmi ara pero ña akchayuk, kayta pititishkay runa shina, runa kwinta rikurisha. Chibi manzharisha randi..... Swanson: Amarun? Delicia Dagua: Amarun! Randi ñuka manzharisha ña. Ñuka anziluwata chi sakisha urkuta kallapakani mana yakuy urmarani ñuka, mana ña. Mana urmarani. Imasna watara charinkangui? Ñuka chibi charishka ashkani casi unos once años charishka ashkani ñuka, once año charishka ashkani. Chara wawa, chasna ashkay chasna rikusha ñuka kallpakarani. Kallpasha manzharisha ñuka wasiy risha tiauk arani, mana apakrirani ñuka pescadota, ñuka aysashkata. Chi aychawara mana apayrirani, mana apayrisha shamushkay. Chasnay, ñuka mama shamukpi, chagramanda payna paktamunaupi nirani, ""Chibi chasna aysasha sakini mamita. Chita manzharisha mana apajrini, imacha shuk warmi shayaura,"" nirani, ""yakuy"". Chasna, chasna shayaura nisha ñuka rimashkay ñuka mama, maybi chi raygumi illashkagunay yaya illaj shina. Yaya mana anzhiluupiu shina kanguna chasna rasha puringuichi kaybiga atun kucharukutaga. Manacha rinkungui amarunzha ara, tsumicha ara nisha rimaunara. Chi warmi ruku warmi kuynta, malta warmi kuynta. Warmi, ruku mara, ruku ashata ña kamashka warmiruku ara pues chi kasna chaupi yakuy. Como kay mesay shayau shina rikurira kayta away, yaku away, yaku buyllaruku. Kay llushti pichu. Lluchu, lluchu kay aychama, cuerpoma lluchu ara pero ña runa warmi persona shina rikurij chi warmi. Imasna wata shina. Pay, pay masna watayuj ara chi amarun mana yachani chitas yangas. Pero malta kuynta o ruku. Malta ña, malta, ruku warmi pay rikurira. Como de treinta años Chasna ashkanga porque ruku warmi ñabi rikurira kasna chaupi yakuyga. Ñuka kasna mayanmanda rikusha, chaupi yakuyga kasnallata kay imasnata aun. Chi kuyntallata kasna piñas, piñas sapigama paktaj kucha kay kuyntallatagara. Chibi chasna rikushkani. Pay akcha shina. Kayta pitirishkara, kayta pitirishkara pero akcha yakumanda llugshipiga kasna aura kasna. Kasna ukushka ara akchaga pero chasnallata mana runa warmi wira pay. Kallparani manzharisha mana runa mana tianaura ni piwas, kunan chi muriti kuchay. Muriti niganaun chi puestoy chibi ñuka chasna rikurani chimanda washa tuta ñuka puñushkay. Pay muskuchira cantasha, chasna cantasha ñuka kanda apangaraurani nira. Kanda apasha niushkay kan musiarirangui nira, musiarisha kan kallparangui nira. Kan kallpajpi ñuka llakirisha sakirirani nira, chi pero pay. Paywa churi raigu? Paywa churi raygu, pay yuyarishka chasna, churiyuj ashka chi amarun warmi, tsumi warmi. Chibi chasna muskusha chi pay cantota cantara ña chasna completota cantajpi ñuka chi raygu cantota. Pay cantaka? Muskuybi? Muskuybi cantara chiga chi warmi ña runa warmi shina ara pero ñuka pay tsumi warmi mani nira pay. Atun kuchata maskasha ñuka shamuj mani nira sapi manda warmi. Kay marañon sapimanda Sapimanda shamun warmi maraniya. Atun kuchaunai sirisha shamunimara iyari ñukatami aranima. Mana runa warmi charaniya paygunalla kati kati purijllawa. Mana runa warmi charaniya Ñukatami araniya. Tsumi warmi maranillalla ri //Atun kucha siquiy sirij warmi maraniya// Awa piñas awabiga awa piñas pambay sirij warmi maraniya. Doce indi tukushkaybi sirij warmi maraniya marañonlla sapimanda sikamujlla warmi maranilla. Mana kaymandalla warmichuya Runa warmi mara aranichuyari Ñukagaya ñukagaya ri tsumi warmi mara niyariga. Ñukatalla pitallari manjhachiwangallari atun kuchagunay runa manjhapi. Ñuka muñashka wawataga apashalla rina munaj warmi maraniya. Chasna yuyarishallari payna alli kuyrashalla wawataya. Charinungami charinaungamiya payna alli kuyrashaya charinunga. Ñuka shu wawata ///warmi wawatami munaniya/// Ñuka shujlla churitaga alli runatami chariniya. Ñuka churimi anyari shu musu runa payga shayaunmiya. Ñuka munashkalla warmi wawa tayaj apashami ñuka kusha yari. Chita kusha ñuka shungayasha chita kusha ñuka shunguyashamiya. Dino mana alli shungu sakirisha chi wawata ya mana apasha ya. Chi warmi wawa wañungami iyarilla ñuka yuyarishkalla wawalla wañungami.

Spanish Translation

Como aún era niña yo andaba pescando con anzuelo y jalé un pez. Jalé varios peces como Chunda Shimi, Tanla y Muta. Jalé hasta en cuatro ocasiones y cuando arroje de nuevo se llevó el azuelo como que jalara una persona. Como se llevó yo arroje la caña de pescar. Cuando quise sacar el anzuelo comencé a sentirme mal y vi hacia el rio. Cuando vi hacia a mitad de rio vi a una mujer, era Tsumi, estaba parada. Era una mujer con cabello, bien parecida a nosotras. Asustada grite boa, boa, me asuste. Corrí hacia la loma dejando el anzuelo casi, casi cayendo. Cuantos años tenías? Yo debí tener unos once años. Once años tenia. Como era niña cuando vi, corrí. Corrí asustada y estuve en mi casa, no llevé lo que logré pescar. No fui a traer esos pescados hasta que mi mama regrese. Cuando llegaron les dije que deje allá lo que pesqué. Vi una mujer en el rio y por eso me asusté y no fui a traer. Donde viste? dijo mi mamá. "Como que no tuvieras papá andas sola". Como tú papá no pesca ustedes andan pescando en el rio en partes las profundas. No viste si era boa o Tsumi? me dijo. Aquella mujer era como señora, como una jovencita. Era un mujer mayor por eso se veía grande en mitad del rio. Como en esta mesa, así se veía en el rio, grande era. Desnuda hasta el pecho. Se parecía a una persona pero estaba desnuda. Cómo de qué edad? No sé cuántos años tendría esa mujer, no lo sé. Pero se veía joven. Joven, parecía una mujer adulta ella. Como de unos treinta años. Se veía como una mujer adulta en mitad del rio. Yo desde la orilla vi hacia la mitad del rio. Era así de igual el rio, hasta las peñas llegaba el agua igualito a este. Ahí vi eso. Su cabello era así. Está cortada hasta aquí pero cuando salía del agua el cabello estaba así. Así estaba el cabello mojado pero no se parecía una mujer como nosotras. Corrí asustada porque no había nadie allá en morete cocha. Le dicen Morete al lugar donde aquella vez vi y en la noche a lo que dormí. Soñé cantando, en el canto ella decía que me va a llevar. A lo que estaba por llevarte tú te diste cuenta y corriste asustada, me dijo. Ella me dijo, como tu fuiste corriendo me quede triste. Para su hijo? Como ella tenía un hijo pensó de esa manera la mujer Tsumi. De esta manera ella cantó en mi sueño, cantó completo la canción. Ella cantó? Ella cantó. En el sueño? En mi sueño cantó y dijo que ella la mujer Tsumi pero no era humana ella. Decía que ella buscaba un parte profunda en el rio, yo vengo desde la parte baja del rio. Desde la parte baja del Marañón he venido hasta acá. En las partes profundas he estado, soy yo. No soy humana como ellas que caminan. No soy humana, yo soy. Soy la Mujer Tsumi, la que descansa en las profundidades. En las peñas he estado, la que pasa acostada en las peñas. Soy la que descansa a las doce del mediodía, la que subió rio arriba desde el Marañón. No soy la mujer que vive cerca de este lugar, no lo soy. Yo soy la mujer Tsumi, la misma. A mí quien me va asustar en las profundidades, si las personas [me] tienen miedo. A los niños que me gustan los llevo. Así pienso, ellos tienen que cuidar a sus hijos. Solo cuidándoles bien ellos tendrán a salvo sus hijo. Yo quiero una niña, una niña es la quiero. Solo tengo un hijo, un buen hijo. Mi hijo es un joven guapo. A la chica que a mí me guste yo la llevo para mi hijo. Le doy cuando él sea grande, sea adulto. Si él no tiene un buen corazón no le llevo a la niña. Aquella niña morirá pensando, moriría imaginando.


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