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Delicia Dagua, “On the Disappearance of White-lipped Peccaries and a Song to Call them Back.”

From interviews with Tod D. Swanson

Subtitles in Kichwa and Spanish.


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English Translation

Now listen! Elias Andi said to me (he was my uncle). He was a strong person. He said to me “Daughter, If you ever become an orphan, if it happens that you are left all alone, if there is no man to hunt for you in the forest, if wherever you go the animals are absent. If you go here and there and there is nothing. Then sit down when you are all alone. You should sit in your house singing this song in this way to call the wangana,” he said to me. If I sang his song then after two days the wangana would come running. You should learn this, daughter he said to me. When he said this I said yes and I learned it. I used to live with that uncle. Then drinking ayawaska and fanning me he taught it to me. He was a brujo. He said to make it sound like he sang. ⁄⁄ “Uwa uwa" peccary [babies cry] ⁄⁄ (Note:) [As their Apu] comes spilling them out. “Uwa uwa" peccary [babies cry] [As their Apu] come spilling them out. From where the sun rises //He will come carrying// His red trumpet //He will come blowing// //With his red flag hung around him like a necklace.// Carrying his red trumpet Toward where the sun sets He will come running, running He will come running, running //Uwa uwa peccary babies [cry]// //[As their Apu] spills them out.// “Uwa uwa" peccary [babies cry] With his red flag hung around him like a necklace. Toward where the sun sets He will come shaking off the water He will arrive shaking off the water When they learn about this the people will look for the blowguns and go running, running. That is how it is. That is what I learned. It is what I know. My uncle Elias Andi, my mother’s brother taught me this song and left it with me. My mother was an Andi woman, an Andi Tutuy. He left me this song that he taught me. If I sing like that then on the third day the wangana come running. That is how I learned it. My Uncle Elias Andi, my mother’s brother, taught me this song and left it to me. My mother was an Andi woman, Andi Tutuy. He taught me this song and left it to me. If I sing it, on the third day the peccaries come running. Have you actually seen the peccaries come after your uncle sang that? Yes! Listen now. I will tell you. That's how my uncle would sing it and I would just be there listening. That's also how my brother Tomás used to sing when he went into the forest with tobacco in his mouth. Just like I sang it now. He used to walk singing and blowing (tobacco). That is how he would sing in the forest. We went out together once. When we arrived at the Río Ishpingo the two of us sang there together. The peccaries came. The peccaries came and he killed one there. Killed one and brought it back. "That is how they come when you sing sister." From that time we were together it was three months to the day that he died. When he died I went back. After he was buried I arrived in Montalvo to go down river. We went with my husband, my son, and one of my son-in-laws. (When we arrived where my brother had lived there was) silence! We looked here. Nothing appeared. Up there nothing! That's how it was after he had died. I cried a lot. I stood in the forest and cried. I am holding up here now. After we came from walking my husband commented on how there was nothing out there at all. The (animals) were gone. There is another brother who lives there, my brother Lucho. "Sister, it is not just today,” he said, “It's been this way since the day he died.” You walk over here, nothing. You go over to that hill, nothing. You go over there, nothing. No animals at all. Even the toucans were silent, the caracaras too. As we were coming back upriver we stopped in the community and I asked my brother Lucho, "What happened to this forest? Suddenly it has become empty." "Let's see," I thought. "I am going to try it, to see if it is true. He has died but I am alive, "I said. I am going to try singing." They laughed at me. My husband Ruben is a joker, "Quick! Boil some ayawaska and give it to her!" he teased me. "Delicia is a singer!" "No!" I said. "This is not a laughing matter. It is not a joke," I said. “This is a song for calling (the peccaries). So I sang the song like I just did now. After I sang, the next morning, my brother Lucho went to the lake to fish. "I am going sister," he said. And as he was going we heard a shot. "I wonder what he shot?," (I thought). "Maybe he shot a tapir?" Because there was nothing, no game at all. But then he came carrying a big fat peccary And he brought another young one that he had killed. He came and dropped it (by me). "Here! You have this one sister," It was a beautiful afternoon so we smoked the meat, butchered it, made a plantain stew and ate. (That night) I went to sleep. The first to arrive in my dream was my uncle Elias Andi. After that I looked and saw that Ventura had come. He was my compadre. He too had died and since he had died he came in my dream. "Daughter," he said, "Why did you sing that song?" "Why did you do that? You shouldn’t sing that song! They got very mad at me. Next, Ventura came and said, "Comadre,You are not a woman who lives here (any more)," he told me. "You are a strong woman," he said. "People here are angry with you." "Don't stay here," he said. Those people who are angry with your relatives, those people from Puka Yaku, those who are always trying to keep the animals for themselves. Those Aucas are going to kill the peccaries. They are going to kill a lot of them to sell in Montalvo." They are all just interested in money. They are angry at you. Don't go there. "Even though that's how things are you sang!" "Why did you sing?" he said!" "From now on don't sing that!" he said. "I left their faces set toward where the sun sets (journeying out of this world to go inside the western mountains). And now you sang (to bring them back).” "Now the peccary herd will turn back toward where the sun rises. Now they will turn their faces," he said. They had set (the peccary herd's journey) toward the west. They had left them like that so that (their enemies) could not get the game out the (of the mountains). Since they had turned (the peccaries) faces (in that direction) they would not return and there would be no animals. There were no animals there. When I sang that song it (the peccaries) turned back. That's why they got angry at me in the dream. That's why he was mad at me. The next morning they went out and killed just one. With that I returned. I have not sung that song since that time I returned until now. Now since you asked me I sing it here so that you can hear it.

Kichwa Translation

Elias Andi niwagara ñukata, ñuka achi, pay mara sinzhi runa, “Ushushi,” niwara, “kan wakcha tukushawas, sapalla tukusha tiarishawas. Sachama puringa,” nira “illán! Kuti maitas ringa,” nira “illán. Shuj partita ringa,” nira, “illán, shamunga,” nira. “Chaibi kanga sapallay tiarisha, wasi tiarisha kantasha, kanga wanganta kayana mangui,” niwara. Chiga “Takingui, nira paiwa takita.” Takikpiga wanganaga ishakai punzhallaimi kallpamunga,” nisha nira. “Ari!” nirani ñuka. Yacharani. Ñuka chi achiwanbas kausaj mani. Chiga yachachiwara ayawascata upisha cantasha, kasna takita uyachingui nisha. ⁄⁄Uwa uwa wangana⁄⁄ Apu talli wangana. Uwa uwa wangana apu talli wangana Indi sikamushkamanda Paywa puka kurnita ⁄aparisha shamunga⁄aparisha shamunga⁄ Puku puku shamusha //Paywa puka bandera wallkarimusha shamunga// paywa puka kurneta, kurnetata aparisha indi ikushkatami ⁄⁄kallpa kallpa shamunga⁄⁄ ⁄⁄Uwa uwa wangana⁄⁄⁄⁄apu talli wangana⁄⁄ Uwa uwa wangana paywa puka bandera wallkarisha shamunga indi yaykushkama ya chausiri chausiri shamunga chausiri chausiri paktamun chaybimi ya chaybimi kaita ya runami pukunata maskasha kallpa kallpa ringauna. Kasna man. Chayta yachaskani. Chasna chita yachani ñuka, kay ñuka achi yachachisha saquiska man Elias Andi. Ñuka mamawa turi, Andi magara payga, Andi warmimara pay, Andi Tutuy magara pay. Kamba achi chi cantashka washa kan rikuk changui kay chi wangana shamushkara. Enda chi kuna uyangui, kuna kwintangarauni. Mashti kasna mara. Chasna ñuka achi takishkahkata uyachishkata uyajllamarani ñuka. Chasnay ñuka turi Tomas, takikgara pay chasna ñuka shina, payga sachama riushaga tabacota embocashaga. Chasna cantashaga puku, puku rasha purijmagara pay. Chasna cantasha sachay, shu kuti riranchi. Ishpinguma risha chayta cantaranchi ishkaytukusha, ishkaytukusha ñukanchi. Chasna kantajpi wangana shamura, wangana shamura chayta wanchira, pay wanchisha apamura. Kasnami shamugan pani chita kantakpi. Ñuka paywan tupanakushkamanda kimsa killallay pay contaditomi wañura pay ñuka turi. Wañukpi chaybi rirani kuti. Pay chingarishka washa, paktarani Montalvoy, paktasha urayma puringaj. Chi ñuka kari, ñuka kari, ñuka churi chi shu masha riranchi. Chun! Kaybi ima rikuriun. Kaybi ima tiaun. Chasna mara pay chingarishka washa. Ñuka ashkata llakirirani, ashkata llakirisha wakarani. Sachay shayarisha wakarani, ñuka awantani kaybi, chi purishka washa shamusha ñuka kari nin. Imas mana tianzhu, imas illanmi, chibi tiaj shu turi Lucho tian ñuka turi. Chi nira, "pay chingarishka punzhamanda kasna tukushka man kunanga pani nira. Kayma purijpis illan, kay shuk lumata rikpis illan, kayta rikpis illan, animal mana tian. Sikuangawas chun, akangaubas chun, chibi ña uraymanda shamuu puebloi shayarisha. Turi Luchota nirani, imata tukura kay sachaga diunas tukushka nirani imas illan nirani. Mana aichawas rasha apaybaj, kunan haber kamangarauni nirani cierto chan nisha. Pay chingarirami pero ñuka kwausauni nirani, kunan ñuka takisha kamangarauni nirani. Asiguanguna payguna ya como kay aunguichi kanguna chasna, chi ñuka chasna nikpiga. Ñuka kari asisiki man Ruben ayawaskata yanusha kuichi, payga burlawaun ñukata. Deliciaga cantaj man. Mana nini, mana asina, kayga mana asina chan nini, mana chista chan nisha nirani. Kayga chi tunuta kayana man nirani, Chaybimi ñuka kunan niushka shina takirani. Kantashka washaga, kayandi tutamandaga turi Luchoga kuchay anzhilungawa riuni pani nishami nin. Chiga rik illapa uyarira ansalla illapa uyarira, imatashi illapan, wagratacha illapan, ni imas illara ni aycha mana tiarachu. Chasnay apamura wanganata wanchisha rakuruguta, kamashkata wanchisha apamura. Shukta maltata wanchisha kay shitarisha apamura, kayga pani nisha shitak shamura. Chiga chita chishiyga sumak punzha ña sumak chakichiranchi, pikaranchi mazamoragunata katurasha mikuranchi. Puñarani, puñushkay punda shamura ñuka achi Elias Andi shamura. Chi washay rikujpi Ventura shamura. Ñuka comprade mara. Paywas wañushka. Wañushka paywas chay shamura. Chi niwara, ushushi niwara imangawata kanga chitaga takirangui niwara.Imangawa, kan mana takina charangui niwara, mana kayllata piñawanaura. Chimanda Ventura shamuj niwara, kumari niwarami kanga mana kaybi tiana warmichangui niwara. Kanga sinzhi warmi mangui niwarami, kaybi mana tianguichu niwarmi, kayga kanda piñasha. Kamba ayllgunta piñasha tiaj runaguna, pukayakuguna, tukuyguna kayma mitsasha tiajguna. Aucaguna tukuy chi wanganata wanchisha, paynaga mana kayllata wanchisha Montalvomaga randichisha. Tukuy payguna kullkisha tiaunguna. Kandaga piñaunguna. Mana purina. Chasnay kan cantangui niwara, imangawata cantangui niwara kunanmanda ama cantanguichu niwarami. Ñuka sakirani nira indi yaykushkama ñawinchisha chita kunanga kan kasna takishkawan. Kay wanganaga kay indi sikamushkama kuna vulltarin niwara, vulltarin nira kasnama ñawiyan nira kuna. Payguna indi yaukushkama risha sakij ashkauna chasna brujuga, chasna sakij ashkauna ama aycha llukshirichun nisha. chitami, kasnama ñawiyachijpiga mana regresajpiga ña aycha mana tiaj ashka, illaj aj ashka, chitami chi takita ñuka chi cantashkawa, takishkawanmi pay vulltarishka. Chimandami chi muskuybi ñukata piñawanaun, chaybi piñawan. Chi kayandi rijkunaga shukllata wanchimushka aunara ña chimanda, chiwan ñuka shamushkani. Ña chi shamukga chimanda kunanga mana chi takitunuta mana nik. Kunan kay kan niunpi kaybi takisha kanda uyauchini ñuka, chasna man chi.

Spanish Translation

Mi abuelo Elías Andi me decía, él era un hombre fuerte, hija, me dijo, cuando te quedes huérfana o estés sola. Iras a la selva, dijo, no hay, o para ir algún lado no haya nadie. Me dijo. Ahí tu cuando estés solo en casa cantaras llamando a los pecarís. Me dijo. Cantaras su canto, si cantas a los dos días viene el pecarí, dijo. Si, dijo yo. Lo sé. Yo también vivía con el abuelo. Y me enseño a cantar mientras tomábamos ayawashka. Uwa, Uwa pecarí. Señor pecarí. Uwa, uwa pecarí, señor pecarí. Desde donde sube el sol con su trompeta roja. Cargada ha de venir. Con su bandera roja viene entonando. Colgada con su bandera roja viene. Colgada con su bandera roja viene. Cargada su trompera va hacia donde el sol se oculta. Corriendo ha de venir. Uwa, uwa pecarí. Señor pecarí. Uwa, uwa pecarí con su bandera roja. Colgada viene hacia donde el rol se oculta. Sacudiéndose viene, sacudiéndose llega. Es humano como aquí. Buscando la trompeta van corriendo. Así es, eso he aprendido. Eso es lo que se, mi abuelo Elías Andi me enseño. Era el hermano de mi mama, Andi era mi mama, Andi Tutuy era ella. Luego de que su tío cantaba tú veías que los pecarís venían. Claro, ahora escucha lo que te voy a contar. Así era, lo que mi abuelo cantaba yo solo escuchaba. Mi hermano Tomas cantaba así, igual que yo cantaba cuando él iba a la selva fumando tabaco. Cantando y sobándose el andaba y una vez fuimos a la selva. Cuando fuimos a Ishpingu cantamos los dos, entre los dos cantamos. El pecarí vino y matamos, el mato y trajo. Así ha de venir hermana si cantamos, desde que me encontré con él a los tres meses contados murió mi hermano. Luego del fallecimiento de mi hermano fui de nuevo hacia allá, llegue a Montalvo. Fui con mi esposo, un hijo y nuestro yerno, no se veía nada. Luego de su muerte no había nada como aquí, llora de tristeza. Llore ahí en la selva, aquí aguanto las ganas de llorar, luego cuando regresamos mi esposo me dijo. No hay nada, allá vive un hermano mío llamado Lucho. Desde el día que el murió se ha vuelto así hermana. No hay animales así vaya por acá, por allá, por la loma, no hay. Nada de aves, ni Tucanes, cuando regresábamos nos detuvimos en un pueblo. Dije Lucho, hermano, que paso con la selva no hay nada. No hay como pescar para llevar, ahora voy a comprobar dije, a ver si es cierto. El murió pero yo aún estoy vivo, ahora voy a cantar para comprobar. Se reían ellos cuando dije eso, así como ahora ustedes están riendo así. Mi esposo es bien burlón por eso dijo, cocinen ayawaska y denle de tomar. Delicia sabe cantar, dije no, esto no es chiste, no es de burlar. Esto es para llamar a los animales, ahí cante como lo hice ahora. Luego del canto, a la mañana siguiente mi hermano fue a pescar al rio con su anzuelo. Fue y de repente sueña la escopeta, que dispararía, si no hay nada de animales aquí. Y trajo un gran pecarí, era un inmenso pecarí lo que trajo. Además había matado un pecarí pequeño y lo trajo cargando en cuello. Lo despedazamos y lo secamos todo el día, nos comimos haciendo mazamorra. Dormimos, en mi sueño vino primero mi abuelo Elías Andi y luego Ventura. Fue mi compadre. Él también está muerto. El vino y dijo, hija porque cantaste eso. Porque, tú no tenías que cantar, me dijeron enfadados. En eso vino me compadre Ventura y me dijo, comadre tu no debes vivir aquí. Tu eres una mujer fuerte pero aquí no vivirás, me dijo, aquí te van a odiar. Las personas que viven odiando y mezquinan a tus familiares. Ellos, los aucas matan los pecarís y llevan a vender a Montalvo. Todos ellos viven y tienen dinero, mientras a ti no quieren que no vayas allá. Y sin embargo cantas esa canción, desde ahora no debes cantar esa canción, me dijo. Yo deje apuntando hacia donde se oculta el sol y si embargo tú has cantado, me dijo. Estos pecarís los puse hacia donde se oculta el sol y ahora se voltea hacia acá. A donde se oculta el sol van ellos. Ellos los brujos han sabido guardar para que no salgan los animales. Es por eso que no hay aquí porque ellos han dejado allá donde se oculta el sol. Como cante esa canción regresaron, volvieron hacia acá. Es por eso que en mi sueño ellos me regañaron. Fueron al día siguiente y solo mataron uno, con eso vine. Desde que regrese hasta hoy no he cantado. Hoy como usted quiere que cante lo he cantado, es así.


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