Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Test over Week 1
Kichwa Test 1
Instructor Tod Swanson
You will have 90 minutes to take this test. It will be open until 9 AM Pittsburgh time. Once you start the clock will start running. You must finish it in one sitting. The test is "closed book." Please do not use any aids such as the vocabulary list!1. Points:1 Multiple Choice: "ñuka" means ...
Question Points:1
"ñuka" means
a. you
b. she
c. we
d. they
e. him
f. me
g. I
h. they
1. you all
2. Question Points:1
"tuta" means
a. morning
b. afternoon
c. night
d. day
3. Points:1
A meaning of the suffix "-(p)i"
a. to
b. from
c. with
d. until
e. direct object marker
f. because of
g. because of
h. on top of
i. in
4. Points:1
"purina" means ...
a. to be tired
b. to sleep
c. to rest
d. to walk
e. to blow
f. to eat
g. to drink
5. Points:1
"ñukara" means
a. you
b. she
c. we
d. them
e. him
f. me
g. I
h. they
i. you all
6. Points 1
Multiple Choice: Select the word which best completes the sentence.: Busda _____ Tenagama.
a. irgungui
b. puringui
c. apingui
d. shamungui
e. yacharingui
f. samangui
7. Points:1
Meaning of the suffix "-ra"
a. in
b. from
c. with
d. until
e. direct object marker
8. Points:1
Synonym of munana.
a. mikuna
b. charina
c. llakina
d. llakirina
e. rimana
9. Points:1
The speaker of the following statement, "Turiwa piñarin." is_________
a. of a gender that cannot be determined from the information given in the sentence.
b. male
c. female
d. a spirit that does not have gender.
10. Points:1
The speaker of the following statement, "Ñuka wauki samaun." is_________
a. of a gender that cannot be determined from the information given in the sentence.
b. male
c. female
d. a spirit that does not have gender.
11. Points:1
Word for “to eat”
a. puñuna
b. upina
c. mikuna
d. apana
e. shamuna
f. kausana
g. purina
h. wañuna
12. Points:1
urku means
a. mountain
b. plain
c. path
d. forest
e. house
13. Points:1
"puñuna" means
a. to sleep
b. to rest
c. to walk
e. to take
f. to eat
g. to drink
"apamuna" means
a. to be catch
b. to bring
c. to turn on
d. to walk
e. to take
f. to eat
g. to drink
15. Points:1
"apana" means
to be catch
to bring
to turn on
to walk
to take
to eat
to drink
16. Points:1
"ima" means
a. who
b. when
c. where
d. how many
e. why
f. what
17. Points:1
"kan" means
a. you
b. she
c. d. we
e. them
f. him
g. me
h. I
i. they
j. you all
18. Points:1
"pay" means
a. you
b. she
c. d. we
e. them
f. him
g. me
h. I
i. they
j. you all
19. Points:1
"paiguna" means
a. you
b. she
c. d. we
e. them
f. him
g. me
h. I
i. they
j. you all
20. Points:1
"punzha" means
a. morning
b. afternoon
c. night
d. day
21. Points:1
Antonym of: apamuna ...
a. apana
b. aparina
c. apina
d. rimana
22. Points:1
Multiple Choice: Choose the most likely place for the action to complete the sentence.:
Wawa(child) _______ puñun.
a. sachai.
b. urkui
c. yakui
d. wasii
23. Points:1
Kichwa word for “to follow”
a. katina
b. purina
c. kausana
d. ikuna
24. Points:1
Meaning of the suffix "-ma"
a. to
b. from
c. with
d. until
e. direct object marker
25. Points:1
Meaning of the suffix "-manda"
a. to
b. from
c. with
d. until
e. direct object marker
26. Points:1
Meaning of the suffix "-wa"
a. to
b. from
c. with
d. until
e. direct object marker
27. Question Points:2
Word for "no" ___________
28. Question Points:2
Word for "good" ___________
29. Question Points:1
"chishi" means
a. morning
b. afternoon
c. night
d. day
30. Points
Select the best translation for: Wasira charini. ...
a. I am in the house.
b. I want a house.
c. I mean a house.
d. I am homeless
e. I have a house.
f. I sweep the house.
31. Points:1
Multiple Choice: Select the best translation for: Lumura tukuchin.
a. She finishes off the manioc.
b. He became the manioc.
c. The manioc ran out
d. The manioc grows by itself.
e. He plants manioc.
32. Points:1
The "pai" in "paiwa pani" is_________
a. of a gender that cannot be determined from the information given in the sentence.
b. male
c. female
d. a spirit that does not have gender.
33. Points:1
The best (most and common) Kichwa kinhship term for a brother's wife is _________
waukiwa warmi.
turiwa warmi
34. Points:1
"samana" means
a. to sleep
b. to walk
c. to be tired
d. to rest
e. to kill
35. Points:1
The speaker of the sentence "Ñuka ñaña turira upichin." is_________.
a. of a gender that cannot be determined from the information given in the sentence.
b. male
c. female
d. inanimate and genderless
36. Points:1
"imasna" means
a. who
b. when
c. where
d. how, or how many
e. why
f. what
37. Points:1 Choose the most likely place for the action to complete the sentence:
Auto _______ purin.
a. chagrai
b. yurai
c. yakui
d. ñambii
38. Points:1
Meaning of the suffix "-gama"
a. to
b. from
c. with
d. until or as far as
e. direct object marker
39. Points:1
Urcura _______.
a. llullangui
b. sikangui.
c. mikungui
d. samangui
40. Points:1
Choose the best translation of "Ñukawa purinun" based on the verbal suffix indicating person and number.
a. They walk with me.
b. I walk with them.
c. I walk.
d. We walk together.
41. Points:1
meaning of llakichina
a. to love
b. to be sad
c. to cause sorrow in another; to cause someone to feel sympathy or empathy with another
42. Points:1
meaning of llakina
a. to love
b. to be sad
c. to cause sorrow in another; to cause someone to feel sympathy or empathy with another
43. Points:1
meaning of llakirina
a. to love
b. to be sad
c. to cause sorrow in another; to cause someone to feel sympathy or empathy with another
44. Points:1
meaning of tukuna
a. to happen, to become; to be transformed into something else
b. to run out, to end
c. to finish off, to use up
45. Points:1
meaning of tukuchina
a. to happen, to become; to be transformed into something else
b. to run out, to end
c. to finish off, to use up
46. Points:1
meaning of tukurina
a. to happen, to become; to be transformed into something else
b. to run out, to end
c. to finish off, to use up
47. Points:1
meaning of “yachachina”
a. to know; to study; to learn
to teach
c. to become accustomed to; to become adapted to; to become used to
48. Points:1
meaning of “yachana”
a. to know; to study; to learn
to teach
c. to become accustomed to; to become adapted to; to become used to
meaning of “yacharina”
a. to know; to study; to learn
b. to teach
c. to become accustomed to; to become adapted to; to become used to
50. Points:1
“rikuchina” means
a. to see
b. to show
c. to appear
51. Points:1
“rikuna” means
a. to see
b. to show
c. to appear
52. Points:1
rikurina means
a. to see
b. to show
c. to appear
“upina” means
a. to drink
b. to meet
c. to eat
d. to walk
54. Points:1
The unmarked (preferred or usual) position of the verb in Kichwa is the ________of the sentence.
a. in the beginning
b. in the middle
c. at the end
d. any where
55. Points:1
ima - means
a. who
b. when
c. where
d. how many
e. why
f. what
56. Points:1
Meaning of the suffix "-chu"
a. to
b. from
c. with
d. until
e. direct object marker
f. marks a yes/no question.
g. means that the action of the verb is ongoing.
57 Points:10
Write the corresponding numeral before the word that represents it.
58. Points:1
Meaning of aparina
a. to light
b. to catch
c. to carry
d. to bring
59. Points:6
Translate in to Kichwa: "I am a student."
60. Points:6
Translate: "I lead you to the forest."
61. Points:7
Translate: "I am following you as far as the river."
62. Points:1
"samashun" means
a. Lets stop now.
b. How are you.
c. thank you
d. You are welcome.
e. for no reason
63. Points:1
"yanga" means
a. Lets stop now.
b. How are you.
c. thank you
d. You are welcome.
e. for no reason
64. Question Points:2
Word for "yes" ___________
65. Question Points:4
Translate: "Yanga piñaringui."
66. Question Points:1
Translate "Akwichi."