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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Bélgica Dagua, "Pasu Spirit Woman Gardening Song."
From interviews with Tod D. Swanson
Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Pasu Spirit Woman Gardening Song.’” Youtube video. 3:36 December 31, 2016.
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English Translation
In Western thinking we tend to make a
strong distinction between cultivated
fields or gardens and wild areas in
amazonian thinking there really isn't a
distinction like that because the forest
is managed by spirit people it's their
garden they manage the animals inside
the mountains inside the hills they have
the different kinds of animals peccary
dear inside their Corral's and they let
them out for people to hunt in certain
measured quantities and so a space like
this is imagined to be a garden a
woman's garden even though it's not a
human woman's garden it's still a garden
that's managed with the same kind of
singing as a human woman would manage
her garden even though manioc garden
generally grow one could grow them one
would imagine was simply scientific
technology for buna and shwat women a
manioc garden grows with a lot of
singing and the ritual activity and
thought that involves thinking about
analogies between the plants are between
the plants and family between the
woman's body and chaotica this singing
to the to the garden and singing to the
land increases the affinity between the
plants and the earth and the woman
brings him into a kind of relationship
where the plants grow and these songs
are songs that women would sing alone in
her manioc garden and we probably learn
from her mother or grandmother out when
she was walking alone following her
mother in in the Chaka songs that
probably men wouldn't usually here or
that other women wouldn't even really
here because they're usually sung alone
Kichwa Translation
Pasu supay warmiga,
Chagraybilla, chagraybi.
Kanlla munashagaya paktarisha rikusha,
Shukuti muyu rishawa.
Rikunguimi, rikungui,
Kanlla munashagaya.
Rikupilla, rikupi kiwas illagmi yari,
Wiñashkalla angaya
Ñuka chagraybigaya pasu supay warmilla,
Tarpushkaybi, tarpushkay.
Tuturalla shinami sarawaslla wiñanga,
chinda iskinaybilla rikujpiga tarpushka.
Kumal lashlla lanza, lanza aparishka mangaya,
kanlla munashagaya kuti shu kutinguiwa.
Rikunata munasha, rikupi karan parti,
Chusku parti rikupi shu, ishki lumullamiya.
Wiñashkalla shayaunga kanlla munashagaya,
paktarisha rikungui, paktarisha rikungui.
Mana imas kiwawas tiangachu,
ñukalla pasu supay warmiwa chagraybiga, chagraybi.
Kanlla munashagaya kasna, kasna bailangui,
kasna, kasna bailasha mana ima tawasya.
Tupanguichu, tupangui.
Shina cantanaran.
Spanish Translation
Not available
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