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Bélgica Dagua, "An Philodendron Used as a Beauty Cream After Pregnancy (Philodendron rugosum)."

From interviews with Tod D. Swanson

Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Bélgica Dagua, 'An Philodendron Used as a Beauty Cream After Pregnancy (Philodendron rugosum).’” Youtube video. 0:49 December 31, 2016.


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English Translation

We put these leaves on when we get pregnant, under our eyes when it comes out. To make it disappear, but not too much, wherever we live there's not much of this. That's why he's very suddenly found, there's not much. That's why I'm barely getting carried away. - How do you prepare it? this? - Do you prepare it, you cook it? No, you just have to squeeze and cover yourself in the face, it's like a cream. - Like a cream, everywhen? Every time I find him, I'm going to slowly get on. I'll put it wrapped in leaves.

Kichwa Translation

Ñukanchi kay mashtita pangata churarinchi wawayashkaybi, ñabi allpay, mashti kaybi ñabi llugshipi. Chita anchichingawa, mana pero yapakta kay samita maybis, chi ñukanchi tiaushkama mana alli tianzhu kay. Chasna api derepente tuparin mana yapaktalla tian kay sami. Chi raygu rikushka ratu aparauni kayta ñuka churaringawa nisha Ña, chita imasnara puruntungui? Kayta? Puruntungui, yanungui? Mana chasna chawallata mashti kasna kakushami churarina ñabibi, kay shu crema kuinta. Crema kuinta, karan punzha o imasna? Ña tupashka ratuibi kay mashti ansa, ansa churarisha apanakunga ruani. Maytusha churanga ruani.

Spanish Translation

Nosotras nos ponemos estas hojas cuando nos embarazamos, debajo de los ojos cuando sale. Para hacer desaparecer, pero no demasiado, allá donde vivimos no hay mucho de esto. Por eso muy de repente se encuentra, no hay mucho. Por eso apenas vi estoy llevando para ponerme. Ya, cómo lo preparas? Esto? Lo preparas, lo cocinas? No, solo hay que exprimir y sobarse en la cara, es como una crema. Cómo una crema, cada cuándo? Cada vez que lo encuentre me voy a poner poco a poco. Lo pondré envolviendo en hojas.


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