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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Luisa Cadena, "The Sloth is Still in Her Garden."
From interviews with Tod D. Swanson
Please cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, “Luisa Cadena: ‘The Sloth is Still in Her Garden.’” Youtube video. 2:40. August 2, 2016.
Not available.
English translation
No, the poor thing is still around, look! (Here is) what he’s just eaten.
That garden has not been eaten up yet.
Look! This is just freshly eaten.
Hmmm. Where will he go when he finishes this off?
Where is the poor thing going to search? He will go to one of the places he knows. To his garden (his chagra).
Where will he go?
Well he will go pitifully slooowly climbing up a tree.
When he sees the bromeliads, well that’s his chagra, that’s what he eats.
You, you said that he is pitiful . . .
He will climb pitifully slowly, first with one hand then another. (At that rate) what day will he get there?
When he gets there, he’ll sit in his garden and he will pull a (shoot) out and eat it. Pull another out and eat it.
Then, when he finishes it all up he will cry ‘Mamaaaa! Mamaaaa! Mamaaa! and someone will hear it when they walk by.
That means his chagra is finished.
He descends back down to the base and then goes to search (for food) so he can eat, to another garden, a new chagra.
Then he will sit there instead. He only eats the tender new leaves of the bromeliads, since he is a sloth.
Say again how how pitifully.....
He climbs so pitifully (slow). Haven’t you seen it?
He won't go fast like some monkey.
He will climb sloowly up a tree vine.
He won’t climb the tree itself, but a vine on the tree.
You know how there are those vines, spread out all over? That’s what he’ll climb, and he’ll arrive at his chagra.
When he gets there he will eat up all the tender shoots.
Then when he can't get down, after crying pitifully, he....
How does he cry?
Mamaaa! like a human baby. It can be heard from far away. It is as if he is saying Mamaa! Mamaa!
Because his chagra is eaten?
When it is finished, he cries pitifully because he can't get down.
After that, he grabs on and backs down (the tree).
Then, once again, wherever his food is that’s where he will go climb. That is where he’ll eat.
He lives with those (bromeliad plants), they are his garden (his chagra).
Well once when (my friend) Leticia, cut a stick off chyuw, and hit him pitifully.
When she would hit him, he would grab himself there
When she would hit him here, there he would grab himself
And when she’d hit here, he’d grab himself there.
Then when the poor thing's foot broke off chyuw, he falls backward like this
I was so angry, saying ‘Why did you kill him?’
She killed him! She eats them. I am not someone who eats sloths.
I feel pity for them because they go about so pathetically. So I don’t eat them.
That is how sloths are.
Kichwa Translation
Mana! Pugriga chara tiyawnmi riki! Pay mushuk mikushkata.
Charak chari chagra mana tukuriun-ya.
Riki! Mushuk mikushka.
Ah kay tukuchikpi, payga mayyy . . .
Maybi maskanga rawn pobre? Pay riksishkaymi ringa raun pay chagray.
Maitara ringa?
Kuti ña ruyay payga llakillaaaaaaa sikagringaya
Kilta rikusha chiga pay yahcangara pay mikuna . . .
Llakilla sikanga maki(w)annn, makiin pay chari, ima pundzha paktangay?
Ña pay chagray tiyaringa aysanga mikunga, aysanga
Ña win tukuchisha, Mamaa! Mamaaaa! Mamaaa! wakanga, shuk puriu uyakpi.
Chiga pay chagra tukurikpi.
Kutillata sapi raykun, rin maskangawa, mikungawa, shuk chagrata mushuk chagra.
Chaybi randi tiyarin. Payga kil, kil pangalla llullulla mikug man pay indillama.
Kuti rimay pay, imasna llakilla...
Llakilla sikag man. Kan mana rikug angui?
Mana dzas ima mono shinaga ringachu!
Allimaaaaandami sikanga ruya anguta,
Ruyata, mana kay ruyata sikangachu, ña ruya angu.
Manachu tiyan chi angucha sa sa-mi, sikanga, paktanga pay chagray.
Paktanga chi kugullunta win mikunga.
Mana raykunata ushasha, llakilla wakashka washa...
Imasnara wakan?
Mamaaa! Runa wawa shina karumanda uyarin! Mamaa! Mamaa! nishka shina!
Pay chagra tukukurikpi?
Tukurikpi llakilla wakan payga raykunata mana ushasha.
Ña washaga pay apina rishaga raykushaga, kutillata maypi chari pay mikuna ara.
Chibi sikagrin, chay mikun. Chiwan kawsan, payba chagra.
Chasnata Leticia kaspita chyuw pitishaga, llakilla waktakpi;
Kay waktakpi, chi apirik ara.
Kayma waktakpi, chii apirik ara,
Kay waktakpi chi...
Pobreta chakita pakisha ña chaki, ña chyuwww chasnaaá rawsha urmachisha.
Yayta piñag arani, ‘Imawata wanuchingui’? nisha.
Wañuchin! Payga mikug ashka, ñukaga mana mikug chani indillamata.
Llakini, llakilla purikta mana mikuk chani.
Chasna man indillamaga.
Spanish translation
Not available.
Not available.
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