Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Advanced Kichwa
During the first week you will learn to use:
Compound verbs with shayana, sirina, llutarina, etc.
In week 2. you will learn to use the conditional tense
Conditional present tense sentences
Conditional past tense sentences
In week 3
Age sets
Overlapping vocabulary for human, plant, and animal body parts
Humor (Swanson, Asichina, the Language of Kichwa Humor)
Ayllumanda Rimana: Speaking of Relatives
Phrases for recording and interviewing
Present Tense
Attributive -k
Attributive with object marker -kta
Attributive -k with past tense (habitual action "used to" ___)
Co and switch reference suffixes -sha/kpi (Quizlet)
-sha/-kpi as if/then with nina (If you say/want...)
-sha/-kpi as if/then with past tense conditional (If you had I would have).
-sha/-kpi in temporally sequenced actions
-sha simultaneous actions- (adverbial)
-sha/-kpi because (when one verb is the cause of the other)
-sha/-kpi combined with future tense verbs
-sha/-kpi combined with past tense verbs
-sha in polite imperative construction (dame haciendo)
-sha as exaggeration -nsha (pastaza -shá)
Weather phrases with -sha and pagarina
More on although, but, change of intention
Conditional present tense sentences
Conditional past tense sentences
Complex predicates with -ska-ra
Polite imperative with -sha kuway
Exercise with negative imperative in 2nd person singular
Nominalized -y verb + pasana for perfective aspect
nominalized verb -y + tukuna for passive
nominalized verb -y + apina and kachan
-naypi if/the with imperative
Possessive + object marker in the sense of for_______
Wondering or rhetorical questions with -y and -cha
-s even though/ no matter how much
Time and Temporal Movement
Vocabulary of time and temporal movement
Arranging the length of a stay/ practice for talking about duration
Age sets
Overlapping vocabulary for human, plant, and animal body parts
Humor (Swanson, Asichina, the Language of Kichwa Humor)
Ayllumanda Rimana: Speaking of Relatives
Phrases for recording and interviewing
Janis B. Nuckolls and Swanson, Tod D. (2014). "Earthy Concreteness and Anti- Hypotheticalism in Amazonian Quichua Discourse," Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America: Vol. 12: Iss. 1, Article 4, 48-60
Learning Resources