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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Bélgica Dagua, "Chukunza Ruya: A Traditional Malaria Medicine."
From interviews with Tod D. Swanson
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Tod D. Swanson, "Chukunza Ruya: A Traditional Malaria Medicine." 2:20 December 31,2018 Youtube video. 2:20. December 31, 2018.
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English Translation
This is the chukunza tree. We call this tree chukunza, when we have sick chills and we do not cure ourselves with city (western) medicines,
We have to look for this tree and where the sun rises... but we have to arrive early with nothing in our stomach without eating anything and arrive in the morning.
Where the sun rises from, where the sun sets from here, from here it is scraped (again showing which part it is from) from this part.
From this part, from here, from where the sun rises and where the sun sets, it is scraped, scraped away, then a little water is put.
It is made maito and roasted. Roasted maito is squeezed and sprinkled (bye) on anything, thus making a container.
By doing this it is left to rest so that it condenses in the morning when it is dawning.
You take that, you vomit when you take it. When we see vomit like yellow chicken yolk. Something similar to that is vomited.
Vomiting, there he recovers from the fever and chills. Everything comes out.
This tree called chukunza is very good for this. Fruits are already coming out...
"Chukunza" if this tree is chukunza... that's how big the seeds are when it carries "as is the seed" of large size and red color it carries this "big" chukunza if big seeds carry, these are still flowers.
Flowering it will have big fruits flowers big fruits (it stays big) yes, there are big fruits, but it needs to grow. This tree will bear fruit, bear fruit, this is how it will grow.
Kichwa Translation
Chi chukunza ruya kayga. Ñukanchi chukunza ninchi kay ruyata. Kaytami mashti chukchu unguy apisha mana awallakta ambita kuk mana ambirikpiga.
Kaytami maskashaga indi llukshimushkamanda chushak wisaybi mana mikusha tutamanda shamusha,
indi llukshimushkamanda, indi ikushkamanda kay partimanda, kay partimanda aspisha "kuty rikuchi kay partimanda" kay partimanda ña
Kay partimanda, kaymanda kay indi llukshimushkamanda, kay indi ikushkamanda aspina an. Aspisha apana an.
Chiga payba yakuta ansawata churasha maytusha kusanan, maytusha kushashami (chauoo) chawanan ña imawaybis kasna purungu ta rasha.
Chasna rashami chura an mashti cielo shulla pay mashtingawa tutatmanda pagariushkay. Chitamy upichina an.
Upichishami, upichikpimi kwinanga, kwinashkaybi rikukpiga atalla payba killu lulun aga chasna rikuriktami kwinanga.
Chi kwinasha ña chibiga ambiringa ña mashti calenturawas pay kasna chukchukchinawas. Ña chi chukchu pay mama iyasha "tiaw" llukshin.
Chiraygu kay yapa ally an kay mashti ruya chi chukunza ninchi. Kay aparingarawn pay muyuta.
"Chukunza" ajam chukunza kay ruyaga. Kasna muyutami aparinga pay kay, kay pay mashtiga.
(¿Imatunu muyu?) kay tupu puka muyurukuta aparinga kayga kayga chukunsaga. (Hatun) mm hatun muyuta aparinga kay chara pay sisa man.
Sisasha aparingarawn kasna (juylla) kay tuputa aparingarawn kay intiruta (hatun tukun kay) hatun muyu tukun pay (pero kay ruya) nda, kay iñangarawn charak. Kayga aparisha, aparisha, aparisha iñangarawn.
Spanish Translation
Este es el árbol chukunza. Nosotros le llamamos chukunza así a este árbol, cuando tenemos escalofríos enfermos y no nos curamos con medicinas de ciudad (occidental),
tenemos que buscar este árbol y donde sale el sol... pero tenemos que llegar temprano sin nada en el estómago sin comer nada y llegar en la mañana.
De donde sale el sol, de donde se oculta el sol de la parte de acá, de la parte de acá se raspa (otra vez muestra de que parte es) de esta parte.
De esta parte, de aquí, de donde el sol sale y donde se oculta el sol se raspa, raspando se lleva, entonces se pone un poco de agua.
Se hace maito y se asa. Asado el maito se exprime y se riega (chauoo) en cualquier cosa, así haciendo un recipiente.
Haciendo así se pone a reposar para que condense en la mañana cuando está amaneciendo.
Eso se da de tomar, al tomar se vomita. Cuando vemos en el vómito como la yema amarrilla de gallina. Algo parecido a eso se vomita.
Vomitando, ahí se recupera de la fiebre y escalofríos. Sale todo.
Para esto es muy bueno este árbol llamado chukunza. Ya mismo salen frutos...
"Chukunza" si este árbol es chukunza... asi de grandes son las pepas cuando carga "como es la pepa" de tamaño grande y color rojo carga este chukunza "grande" si grandes pepas carga, este todavía son flores aun.
Floreciendo va a tener grandes frutos flores grandes frutos (queda grandes) sí, quedan grandes frutos, pero le falta crecer. Este árbol irá dando frutos, dando frutos, así va a crecer.
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