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Pedro Andi, "The Story of Santu Urku, (Spirit Mountain)"

From interviews with Tod D. Swanson

Quichua and English subtitles.

Cite video as:
Tod D. Swanson, "Pedro Andi, 'The Story of Santu Urku (Spirit Mountain).’" Youtube video. 1:37. December 27, 2016.



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Kichwa Transcription

Ima rasha kay sachay santo urku ninun? Ñaupa punda lugar kay santo urkuraga rukuguna churashka manun, ña unay ñukanchi ruku yayaguna. Payguna churashka ña, chi urkuma paktapimi payguna paktayrijpi ñaupa punda rayu uyarij ashka. Y chiwasha llanduyasha tamia urmaj ashka ña shina rasha mana llutachij ashka chi urku sikima. Chi urku sikiy ansa aychaguna tiaj ashka, shinajpi chita mitsasha pay mana llutachij ashka. Shinajpimi rukugunaga yachakguna ayawaskara upisha rikunaushka, imaraygura chi urkuma paktajpiga yapa tamian. Yapa rayu uyarin y wayra atarin, wayra atarijpi yura pallkauna pakirijpi runa mana ushan llutaringaj chima. Chi raygu payguna ruku yachakguna upisha rikunaushka. Imara nisha. Ima mandara kay urku shina yapa mitsan nisha. Rikujpi, payna waskat upisha taripasha rikujpiga. Rikurishka shu runa, yuraj churarishka runa, santo. Yuraj aj runa ña, ima kuynta urku punday tiashaga. Chimanda rikusha tiaj ashka nin, karumanda tiashama runaguna shamujpiga. Paywa makira rikuchiskallawa rayu uyarij ashkami nin y shinallara pay makira rikuchijpiga tamia urmaj ashkami nin. Wayra atarij ashkami nin, runaunara shina manzhachisha kachasha tiaj ashkami nin. Chi raygumi, chi yachaj runaga nishka, “mana, chibiga shu santo kuynta rikurij amumi tian,” nisha. “Sacha amu, supay nishka tian chibi. Mana ushanzhu piwas paktangaj.” Chitaga, paytaga mansuyachisha, pukujpimi payga ukuma ikunga, paywa tiana wasima ukuma. Chibi ikunga shina nishami ña pukunushka rukuguna. Chi pukujpimi chi away tiajta yapa mana lugarta kujpi. Chi supayra apashaga ukuma tapanaushka payguna tiana piñas ukuma chibimi ña. Chi urku mayanda pasaushkay ashka animalguna tiashka ñaupaga, machinguna tiashka, machinguna.

English Translation

Why do they call this mountain Santu Urku? In early times the old people named this place Santu Urku (Saint Mountain). Along time ago. Our grandparents. They named it. When they would approach that mountain, they would first hear thunder. Then it would darken and rain would fall so that it was not possible to arrive at the base of the mountain. Around the base of that mountain there used to be a little game. So that is why he [the mountain spirit] didn’t let anyone come near, (because he did not want to give them game.) And so the old people, the yachaks drank ayawaska and saw the reason why it would rain when someone approached. Because the thunder sounded, and the wind rose up. And when the wind rose up the branches of the trees would break and people were not able to approach that place. It was for that reason the old people drank [ayawaska]. To see why [that was.] To see why was it that this mountain wanted to be stingy [with the game animals]. When they saw, when they drank ayawaska and saw with discernment.. A man appeared, a man dressed in white, (like a) saint. A man dressed in white now. …How powerfully he stood on that mountain top. Watching from afar so that when people would come... He would just lift his hand and thunder would sound. And…when he would signal with his hand, the rain would fall… and the wind would rise up…scaring the people away. It was for that reason that the yachks said “No. There is an amu in that place who looks like a saint." "A forest amu, a supay dwells there so no one is able to approach." So in order to tame him they [the yachaks] blew [tobacco towards the mountain] so that he would enter inside, inside the house where he lived. So that he would go inside there the old people blew [with tobacco]. And so they blew [tobacco] at the one who lived on top because he would not give them leave to approach. They took that supay and locked him inside the cliffs where he lived..inside there now. When one passed close by that mountain there used to be lots of animals, capuchin monkeys lived there. Capuchin monkeys.

Spanish Translation

A este monte porque le nombraron Santo Urku? Primeramente nuestros antepasados lo pusieron así. Nuestros abuelos. Ellos lo nombraron. Cuando ellos llegaban a ese cerro primero comenzaban los truenos. Y después oscurecía y la lluvia sabia caer. Y eso hacía para impedir que lleguen al pie de ese cerro. Porque al pie de ese cerro había animales. Y por eso no dejaba acercar porque mezquinaba ( protegiéndoles). Por eso los mayores, los yachaks (chamanes) tomaron ayawaska para ver porque era que cuando llegaban a ese sitio caía la lluvia y sonaban los truenos. Y se levantaba el viento, y rompían la ramas y así no dejaba llegar a la gente. Por eso ellos, los yachaks mayores bebieron y vieron porque era que este cerro quería mezquinar mucho. Cuando vieron, cuando bebieron ayawaska discerniendo y viendo. Apareció una persona, una persona todo vestido de blanco como un santo, blanco ya! Una persona de traje blanco sentado en la punta del cerro. Desde ahí veía de lejos mirando en cada dirección. Y cuando venía la gente levantaba su mano y solo con eso sonaba el trueno. Y así mismo levantaba la mano y caía la lluvia y se levantaba el viento. Y a la gente asía regresar poe el miedo. Por esa razón el yachak dijo, "no, ahí hay un amu (dueño del cerro y animales) parecido a aun santo", dijo. Hay un dueño en esa selva, un supay que esta ahí, y nadie puede llegar allá. Si le hacemos amansar, si le soplámos (con tabaco) va a entrar adentro a su casa. Y así como dijeron los mayores le soplaron. Y soplándole le llevaran al que se sentaba arriba y que no daba paso y le encerraron adentro. Al espíritu lo llevaron y lo encerraron dentro de las peñas. Y cuando pasábamos por la base de ese cerro había muchos animales, monos capuchinos, muchos monos.


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Sponsored by Title VI National Resource Centers at University of Wisconsin Madison, the University of Florida, Florida International University, the University of Pittsburgh, and Brigham Young University.

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