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Napo-Pastaza, Ecuador
CENTER FOR LEARNING ALLIANCE: Fundación Cotococha | Andes and Amazon Field School | Shayarina Amazonian Resilience
Pedro Andi, "The Perfume of the Wanduk Flower"
From interviews with Tod D. Swanson
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Tod Swanson, "Pedro Andi 'The Perfume of the Wanduk Flower.'" Youtube video. 3:59. August 7, 2016.
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Kichwa Transcription
Pedro Andi, Wanduk Asnay
Kayga sachamanda yura an shinaklleira wanduk an ña. Sacha, sachay iñak ña. Mana runa wasi punguy chariushka. Sachay iñak. Karu sachay, atun mana piwas purina sachay, atun mana runauna paktana puestuy, pay shayashaga kayga paskarishka asnaj shayak, paskarishka. Chimanda kayma apamusha tarpukpimari, kay sisaga runauna rikujpi mana paskarin nin pay, ña amuyuk asha ña
Tutayaushkay ichaymaga ña pay randi ña paskarin kallarin nin.
Paywa ambira shitan nin pakllama ña. Chi warmimi nin kay wandukta charik, warmimi nin.
Shina asha ambillawa armashka asha. Chi ambira paywa umamanda paskachishkawa paskarin nin chi, ambira asnak tukun nin. Kayga paynakga, paywa mashtiy rikukpi umami nin, payba akcha kay, akcha kay. (Aaa. Rikuchingui.) Paywa akchami nin.
Chimari ña tutayangak kallarikpi uma, paywa akcha kasna paskarin nin sann.
Chimandami paywa akcha ukumandami kay llukshinmi nin kay asnay.
Chitami ñukanchi ñabiy rikujpiga yanga sisalla rikurin nin ña.
Paywa akcha? Paywa akcha kayga.
Y chimanda llukshin paywa asnay?
Ari paywa asnay llukshin nin chi pay paskarijpi, pay pajllama llukshisha. Mmm
Suni akchayuj warmimi nin kayta charij.Ambillawa armashka ña. Tukuy sachamanda ambigunawa armashkami nin pay. Shina asha kay chishira gustu asnak llukshin kay.
Pay llukshipi?
Pay llukshin ña, pay ña tutayakpi ña purisha nisha ña.
Pay mana llukshikpi?
Chi mana paskarin nin, pay uma mana paskarikpi. Kay taparian riki.
Kay paskarinami kay sisaguna, paskarinami kay.
Chiga shina paywa umara paskakpimi kay sisas paskarin nin chi ambi llukshingak, asnay.
Pay uma paskarijpi?
Uma paskarikpi.
Paywa charin, shu amura charin nin pay, chiga paywa amura chi, shinallara pay.
Chi shu tunu asnayra charin ña. Shina asha kayguna, payta nikpi ñallas chusku tunu wandukguna tianaun payguna.
Chasna asha kasna mayanllaymi tarpukpi payna pura ña kamanununmi nin.
Pita mas ambira? Ñuka asnayra masta charin nisha wanduk puras kamananunmi nin.
Pita mas ñuka yallira asnanga? Kanzhu yallira asnangui, ñukachu yallira asnani?
Shinakpi kayga masga kaymi yalli asnakta charin nin, mas ichilla.
Ari pay. Kay shuk randi asnashallara pasanlla shu ratu asnaklla pasan.
Kay randi ña, tuta karan shu, ishki horaymi payga asnay llukshin ña. Pay duiñu puringak rin karuma rikpi.
Kaybi ña mana asnayra sakin nin ña. Chi washa kuti shamun nin diuñu sapimallara.
Kuti paktamun nin, paywa wasimin nin kay yura sapiga.
Pay llukshina horas shina asnan.
Pay llukshina uraspi ña wayra shamukpi kay akchaguna sann tukunmi nin ña.
Chibi puringak kallarin nin, shina rakjpi kay paskarisha shina asnan nin.
Paywa akcha unkumanda ambira shitasha rin nin ña, shina, shina.
Ñuka rukuyaya ña ruku maj aka, ñuka mamawa paywa layaya.
Chi Lucas Shiguango nishka shina kwintaka ñukara, ñuka chimanda apumakani.
Shinakpi shu sisa, sacha sisauna o wanduk shina anun. Chi shu wanduk paywa amu purikpi.
Ari paywa amu shinallara llukshin nin ña.
Shina paywa asnay shamun.
Paywa asnay llukshin nin chi. Tukuy chiguna paywakga umamandamu llukshin nin. Umamanda.
Umamandami asnayra shitanun nin, paywa akchaukumanda.
Chiga wandukpasga, rikuychi kay pallka pundamanda shuk mashti shayarin ña, shuk campana shina.
Chi raygu paywak umami nin chi, shina, shinamandami llukshin nin asnayguna.
Shina mashka.
English Translation
Pedro Andi, The perfume of the Wanduk Flower.
This tree is from (virgin) forest. But it is wander! It grows in the forest. It is not what people have in their house gardens. It grows in the forest.
It grows in the vast, distant vast forest where no one goes. The great (forest)... a place out of the reach of people.
And when it opens it stands giving off a perfume. When it opens.
Since I transplanted it from there, it does not want to bloom here because people are watching.
It has a spirit owner. When night falls it begins to open.
The wanduk's (spirit owner) woman sprays her perfume into the open.
Since she is bathed in perfume when her head opens the perfumes is released from her head and gives off an aroma. They say it is her head. This is her hair. It is her hair.
Yes. They say it is her hair. When night begins to fall her head, her hair spreads open like this "san".
Then the aroma wafts out from inside her hair.
To our eyes this looks like an ordinary flower.
(But it 's) her hair. This is her hair. And her aroma comes out of there . Yes! From there. When it opens her smell wafts out. They say that when she comes out into the open this (plant's amu) is a long haired woman.
She only bathes in perfume. They say she is bathed in all of the perfumes of the forest.
So that is why in the evening she comes out smelling beautifully.
She gives off the smell when she comes out.
She goes out! By the time night falls she wants to go out.
if she does not go out....?
Then it doesn't open, Her head doesn't open. It is locked in here
These open, these flowers open.
So when her head opens these flowers open too so the perfume can waft out, the aroma.
Once her head opens.
When her head opens.
And the owner of wanduj does the same?
It to has one too. It has a different amu. Its amu does the same.
It has a different kind of aroma. That is how these are. There are about 4 kinds of wanduj.
Since that is how they are, if you plant them close together like this they will test each other's strength.
They compete among the kinds of wanduj to see who has the stronger perfume, the stronger smell.
Who is stronger? I give off a stronger aroma! You think you have a stronger perfume. I smell more powerfully!
So it is this one that has a strong smell? This little one?
Yes. It is this one. The smell of this other goes away. Its smell passes quickly.
By contrast the aroma of this one emanates every hour or two when its amu goes out, when she goes out far.
They say that the smell does not just stay close here. Later its owner comes back to the plant.
Later it returns. This plant is its home.
It is when she goes out that that she smells like this.
When it is her time to come out and the wind comes up they say it fluffs out her hair.
Then she begins to walk and when she does (the flower) opens and gives off its aroma.
The perfume sprays out from inside her hair like this.
My grandfather was old (when he told me this), my mother's stepfather.
Lukas Shiguango told me this. It is from him that I have taken it.
So other forest flowers, or wanduj are the work this way too? Other kinds of wanduk? if their spirit owners go out?
Yes they say that their owners go out in the same way.
They say that that is how their smell comes.
They say that their smell emanates, they say that it is the same with all of them. Their aroma emanates from their heads.
They spray out perfume from their heads, from inside their hair.
It is the same with wanduk. Look how at the end of the branch it has a (flower) that looks like a bell.
They it is her head. It is from their that the aromas emanate.
Spanish Translation
Pedro Andi, "El Olor de la Flor de Wanduk."
Esta planta es del monte, es wanduk de la selva.
Crece en el monte y no es lo que se tiene cerca de la casa, crece en el monte.
En la selva virgen donde nadie va, en lugares a donde nadie llega. Donde este esta planta se pude respirar un olor, cuando está abierto. De allá se lo trae y se lo siembra aquí, es por eso que la flor no se abre. Como tiene dueño la planta al anochecer comienza abrirse. Es una mujer la dueña de esta planta es por eso arroja su perfume hacia afuera. Esta bañada de perfume, desde su cabeza arroja. Se abre y se vuelve perfumado, esto para ellos. Es la cabeza y el cabello, este es el cabello. Si es su cabello, esto se abre cuando está anocheciendo. De aquí dentro de su cabello saca su perfume. Pero al ver con nuestros ojos pareciera que fuera solo una flor. Su cabello. Este es su cabello. Y de ahí sale su perfume. De ahí, el perfume sale cuando se abre. Cuando sale es una mujer con un cabello largo. Esta perfumada con todos los olores que se encuentra en la selva. Es por eso que al atardecer sale muy bien perfumada. Cuando sale ella se puede olor ese perfume. Ella sale al anochecer para caminar. Si ella no sale, no sale. No se abre y permanece cerrado. Estas flores son las que tienen que abrirse, estas. Cuando ella abre su cabeza también se abre la flor y sale su perfume. Si, su cabeza se abre. Se abre la cabeza.
Wanduj es su dueña. Ella tiene una dueña, una dueña. Tienen diferentes aromas, existen al menos cuatro clases de wanduj. Es por eso que si los planta cerca entre ellos compiten. Compiten entre ellas para saber quién tiene el mejor perfume. Sera que yo tengo el perfume mas fuerte o serán ustedes. Esta planta es la que tiene el mejor perfume aun siendo más pequeña. Si ella, mientras que el perfume de las otras muy suave y temporal. Mientras en la noche esta arroja cada dos horas su perfume y su dueña se va a caminar lejos. Deja su perfume y luego regresa a su planta.
Llega de nuevo porque es su cada esta planta. Cuando es la hora de salir se puede oler ese perfume. El momento que ella sale a su cabello con el viento se despeina. Es cuando se abre y el perfume huele y ella comienza a pasear. Se dice que desde su cabello arroja el perfume. Mi abuelo, el padrastro de mi mama. El, Lucas Shiguango me conversaba y traje de allá. Entonces la dueña de esa planta o wanduj pasea. Si, la dueña de esa planta sale. Así viene su olor. Su perfume sale desde la cabeza. Desde cabeza arroja su perfume, desde el pelo. Miren esta flor desde su rama parece una campana. Por eso se dice que es su cabeza de la cual arroja su perfume. Así es.
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